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on Aug 20th 2007, 09:01:37, sharon wrote the following about


Bodhisattva guru destructive reltionship:
Whenever I failed to show respect to my guru I have to offer him a present for his forgiveness. Since all I have to offer is only my body, I shall ask him as punishment to abusing and torturing my body, whipping my yoni and breasts bloody till I pass out from the pain and then let all good female Bodhisattvas suck away the blood to strengthen their obedience to their guru and Buddhas Dharma. If I awake from my pain I shall ask him to continue whipping me till he thinks that I have bled enough and then I ask him to seal my wounds with fire stopping the bleeding. Whenever he uses me for sex, I shall enjoy as continued punishment the pain of my burned yoni and breasts asking him also to dig into them with his teeth to maximize my pain.

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