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on Sep 6th 2008, 09:29:05, Shannon_web wrote the following about


Friday, May 11, 2007 Shannon Smith last message at the Internet:
When I, a female student of Dharma look at the real form of the universe, all is the never-failing manifestation of the mysterious truth of the Tathagata. In any event, in any moment, and in any place, none can be other than the marvelous revelation of its glorious light. This realization made our patriarchs and virtuous Zen masters extend tender care, with the heart of worshipping, even to such beings as beasts and birds. This realization teaches us that our daily food and drink, clothes and protections of life, are the warm flesh and blood, the merciful incarnation of Buddha. Who can be ungrateful or not respectful even to senseless things, not to speak of man? Even though he may be a fool, be warm and compassionate toward him. If by an chance he should turn against us, and become a sworn enemy, and abuse and persecute us, we should sincerely bow down with humble language in reverent belief that he is the merciful avatar of Buddha who uses devices to emancipate us from sinful karma that has been produced and accumulated upon ourselves by our own egoistic delusion and attachment through the countless cycles of Kalpa
Then on each moment's flash of our thought there will grow a lotus flower, and on each lotus flower will be revealed a Buddha. These Buddhas will glorify Sukhavati the Pure Land, every moment and everywhere.
May we extend this mind over all beings so that we and the world together may attain maturity in Buddha's wisdom

This writing hiding the depth of the real meaning, as Buddhism being expressed as usually in metaphor, AKA “Twilight Language”.

Find the obviously:
Cannibalism (daily food and drink .. warm flesh and blood ..incarnation of Buddha)
Masochism acceptance (… become our sworn enemy….)
Vagina (Lotus Flower)
Open up for copulation ( … grow a Lotus Flower… )
Impregnation (…one moment’s flash ….)
Childbirth (…reveal a Buddha)
The Drug Ecstasy used to create hallucinations like:
Tathagata … the marvelous revelation of its glorious light

Dharma = Buddhism secret law, doctrine, and rituals
Tathagata = one who reached the perfect and supreme truth and enlightenment
Cycles of Kalpa = cosmic cycles of rebirth

If brainwashing of the young females does not result in unconditional obedience the customary repeated use of Ecstasy will do by causing permanent brain damage. Remembering no longer who they were nor were they came from but only their vows: sacrificing in pain and fulfilled with pleasure their body parts, body and life for their Buddha, Guru and God in punishment of the sins of the females of the world, which is power through sex appeal!

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