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on May 19th 2000, 19:47:26, le merle blanc wrote the following about


Coyote went as a man to the village where three sisters dwelt and met with the eldest there who had been young and beautiful but now was old, and who said, 'Fool, I know you, Coyote, and I will not fall for your tricks. Leave or I shall call my husband.'

Coyote left her and went to the house of the middle sister who had been young and beautiful but now showed the signs of age, and who said, 'Fool, my sister has warned me of you, and I know your tricks. Begone, Coyote, or I shall call my husband.'

Coyote left her, and came at last to the house of the youngest sister, who said, 'My sisters have warned me of you, and told me to call my husband if you came, but tell me this, Coyote: since I am young, and beautiful, and have a husband, why should I want to be with Old Coyote?' Coyote replied, 'Because you are still young, and beautiful, as your sisters once were, and like your sisters you have a husband. But your sisters are old, and I am Coyote, and neither has had me.'

That night Coyote lay with the youngest sister while her husband was away hunting, and while she lived she looked always young and beautiful.

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