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on Sep 4th 2006, 17:15:09, scarlet wrote the following about


The two couples often found themselves doing things together, one special occasion was dinner at DiMaggio's in San Francisco.

DiMaggio's restaurant was owned buy baseball great, Joe DiMaggio and was located at 235 Jefferson St. near Fisherman's Wharf. The restaurant is now gone but it was located on the south side Jefferson Street just west of Taylor.

Though the old restaurant is gone, I have heard that the building may still be there.

For the occasion both women wore red dresses. When they ordered their drinks, the elder had to show her ID.

After drinks the ladies had the giggles. They amused themselves in the ladies powder room by spraying themselves with perfume.

The powder room had lots of pictures of Marilyn Monroe; who was married to DiMaggio at the time. For a nickel you could get a spray of a designer fragrance.

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