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on Apr 24th 2000, 20:28:47, genericus the unlabled wrote the following about


A young zen student studied for years and years and could find no peace. He went from roshi to roshi asking »What is the buddha?«, but remained dissatisfied with the answers he recieved. Finally, one said »travel to this building, where you must sit in the northeast corner of the basement, speaking to no one, for an entire month.« The monk did as he was told, and found the house to be broken down and condemned, with a full community of squatters living within. He found a large pile of rubble in the northeast corner of the basement, and sat upon it. After a month, two of the squatters walked by. One asked the other, »Who IS that guy?« The other replied, »Some say he is a Holy Man. Others say he is a Shit Head.« Hearing that, the student was enlightened.

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