>NEW: Info to the keyword Discordic-Basement-For-Fucking-Up-The-Blaster | >discuss | >create link 
on Mar 27th 2003, 22:38:55, Das Gift wrote the following about


This is the Discordic-Basement-For-Fucking-Up-The-Blaster ...

... die Deutungsmacht der politischen Elite im Kontext der symbolischen Kollektivhandlung.

Maybe you sisters also like any kind of LegendaryGobletOfPuke001 up to LegendaryGobletOfPuke999 but a granny has to knit a lot for that, so I have to leave right now to put it on the german blaster ...

... but first I'll have to get that stanky bag of plastic filled with finest weed from the »old europe«, where sun is shining and let women grow to their most beautyful.

   user rating: +2
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