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on Jul 5th 2002, 01:57:23, marc wrote the following about


»The Glorious Ego«, an article by a German political scientist, is available in English translation on www.mbtranslations.com. Loneliness and isolation, gridlock without humility, is the negative side of hyper-individualism.
In »Neo-liberal Consciousness« by H. Werner on www.portland.indymedia.org, competitiveness is described as the highest virtue. The national competition state or competitive corporatism replaces the nation state and the welfare state!
In »Everybody Becomes an Entrepeneur« on www.mbtranslations.com, the new business philosophy is unmasked as primitive capitalism, old wine in new wineskins. Everyone is called to see him/herself as a profit center; the meaning of life is then increased ruthlessness!

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