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on Nov 14th 2002, 00:43:47, undercover wrote the following about


12 years ago IngridBetancourt put aside her quiet life as an expatriated mother to return to her country and fight. Her country, Colombia, is on the verge of collapse, drained by years of civil war. Stuck between the marxist guerillas, the paramilitaries, the drug cartels and corrupted politicians, few people dare to stand up and offer another vision to the Colombian people. Ingrid Betancourt does!
She condems corruption, violence, fights for remote economic areas and for the poor. She first worked for the Finance Minister trying to change things from the inside. Faced with the lack of results, she decided to run for office. She was first elected to the House of Representatives in 1994 then to the Senate in 1998. She then created the »Oxygen« party and decided to run for President in the May 2002 elections.

But, then, on Feb 23 en route to San Vincente, IngridBetancourt and Clara Rojas, her campaign manager, were abducted by FARC (The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia).

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