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on Aug 30th 2006, 09:59:17, ginea wrote the following about


Vikram means courageous, or something like that. I do not look into the dictioary. Vikram was given his name by his master. Now he is a master by himself. Vikrams planet is Mercury. This is the only thing we have in common,cause I am not courageous.My english is not so bad? Vikram used to live in Austria, but this was many years ago. Still she is sleeping. Me too, because I am not»awakened«. Vikram is, I think so.Let me finish my beer.Vikram is a yoga teacher. He teaches? kundaliniyoga. I used to like the way he sits.Very upright.Two orange points and no copy! I hope, Vikram is a keyword now, and I can enter any time.

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