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on Jun 18th 2010, 16:19:15, Jack Legatio wrote the following about


The email illustrated with mobile phone photos in which Zero Zoxx had announced us the work contains some instructions as ZERO ZOXX INTERNATIONAL would have to proceed with THE HOLY SCRIPTING. A short report on the work for the public is to be written, you just read the same. Accompanied by the tip that it concerns the original and the only existing copy of the book, ordered Zero Zoxx further expressly that no readable copies might be provided by the work that it should find entrance after sighting by THE ZERO ZOXX GROUP in the archive of the department Söderblom in the house in Bölta and be kept permanently in it. Only the mobile phone photos are determined for the public and only the beginning and the end of the book might be informed verbatim and the definition where the beginning of the work ends and where the end of the same begins THE ZERO ZOXX CHURCH leave freely would remain.

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