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on Aug 4th 2001, 04:43:08, lilac shrieks wrote the following about


that's the word for myself and your self and all other human beings. selfish. amazing and beautiful becuase interaction is vital. Is that not what drives us individualy? One could not be selfish if there was no one around. One could not conjure thoughts and theories without other men-without relationships without the creations of men. God and nature are the birthplace of man. man must go forth and experience from his birthplace or he is not man he is an animal, merely residing over obediant beast and flower serving god. Without relationships and man made clutter there is no excitement or experience, no death no bite no pain no sin no forgiveness. It is amazing and beautiful that everything man soley is and has created was all natural elements to begin with. I wonder if we ingest all those preservatives in our food if we will not go back into the earth? it is strange how these natural elements create things so destructable and so indestructable

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