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on Feb 25th 2001, 05:59:22, cccccccc wrote the following about


Maybe you know the story already, if not.....
When the world was created all the colors chose where they would live. Blue chose the sky, Red chose the desert and roses, and on and on. Green, however, picked the plants and the leaves and the bushes and on and on... Yellow was stuck. He didn't know what to do. Panicked, he went to Blue for advice.
»Hmmm.«, Blue replied. »I«ll take care of this."
Blue confronted Green and told him, »Listen you, Yellow has hardly anything, so you're gonna stop while you're ahead... you got it?? If not, Yellow and I are gonna make our own green..Do you understand
So green stopped and yellow was awarded...with the sun.

   user rating: +21
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