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on May 31st 2006, 16:04:07, McBird wrote the following about


Im a reader. For me living in a world without books would be like living in a dessert. So it goes without saying, that I decided to write about an invention that had great influence on printing and distribution of books: The paperback.
Nobody knows who invented paperbacks. Was it Penguin (Great Britain), Simon & Schuster (USA) or somebody else somewhere else in the world? In Germany after World War Two, when paper was very rare, Rowohlts Publishing House printed books like newspapers using the rotation technique. Since then the technique has changed again, but in Germany the brand name “rororo” remained as a synonym for paperback.
The advantages of paperbacks are obvious, they are affordable and they can easily be taken everywhere. You can put them into your pocket and thats it what I do. So I am able to read whenever I have to kill time and if I finish a book there is always another one, waiting to be placed in my pocket.

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