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on May 5th 2000, 02:09:08, Josef wrote the following about


On my visit to the city last week, I noticed that I felt a strange fear. The sight of buildings joined together in huge clumps, people living underground, advertising on top of advertising, and everything owned by somebody else. It's a huge growth of living sterility, sort of like a cancer, but in some ways more like AIDS. I saw graffiti (good!) and ugly subways (bad!) and Portuguese soccer tabloids (no opinion).
Worst of all were the towering concrete blocks down at the loading docks. Tens of stories high, these featureless poles of manmade stone stood like idols of the economy, grain elevators protruding from strange angles. As I look at these through the car window, I shudder, and thank god I'm a country boy. Yee-haw.

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