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on Dec 26th 2003, 19:23:39, Glutamathor Elch & Thorwald Redlefzen wrote the following about


Still greenish vacuum condensate from the leakage of the virtual brushwood at the course man clutch of the rear wood grouse licked out. But the professor removed the eyeglasses and bent them to a Moebius stripe, with which he could become the defective fibrille gentleman. With quiet humming the core locker took up again its enterprise. On the indicating panel in the consortium the grinnning skeleton of the Bengalen appeared, which was in the process straight, in the locker to materialize itself and again to reflesh. On the basis of the jaw movements of the head the professor tried to read off, what the Bengale was to be expressed in terms. It did not trust those eyes; the Tarnbengale said. »Stop the cotton wool under the footboard of the kaldaue and see in addition that the plasma does not verbuckelt.«

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