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on Aug 3rd 2001, 02:16:29, zyn wrote the following about


Underworld's best song:

everything. i'm invisible. an eraser of love. an erazor of love. why dont you call me i feel like flying in two. i'm invisible. i dont dream. (ice cream.) i scream so much. you know what i mean. this electric stream. and my tears in league with the wires and energy and my machine. this is my beautiful dream. i'm hurting no one. hurting no one. i want to give you everything. i want to give you energy. i want to give a good thing. i want to give you everything. everything. in one final scream of love who could climb this high she looks beautiful like a child i feel tears. and i want to scream. you know what i mean cause this is hurting no one. an erazor of love. hurt. the necessary feeling. why dont you call me i feel like flying in two. an erazor of love.

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