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on May 8th 2005, 09:32:42, sam wrote the following about


5+@Ti5T1c$ 0PH the 45Sozi4tioN5-8l@S+eR

L0Cal t1me: Phri Nov 21 02:20:37 2003

84cK +o 4$$ozIAt10N$-8L45TEr HoM3 P493

51nCE thE l@5+ 24 H0UR5 Th3 U53rs 4Dd3d 2 NEW +3X+5 4nD 0 New kEyW0Rds +0 TEh En9Li5H Ver5i0N OF thE 4550Z1@T10NS-Bl+Er. oV3R4lL tEH Bl@$t3r'$ D4t@8a53 coN+41NS at +H3 MOM3n+ 24736 +3x+5 4nD 2237 KEyW0Rd5. (=>s+AT15+1C5 OF +h3 gErM@n D4+484$3)

T0p 10 K3yW0rd5 wIth n0 conTr18UT10ns PhOR +he L0N9e5+ TiMe
(4ccOrd1Ng T0 YoUR Tr3$HoLD) N5@ (2001/07/21 20:55)
CLaiRv0YaN+ (2001/07/24 01:19)
v@5ec+0My (2001/07/24 22:12)
D351gn (2001/07/25 19:04)
FlArE (2001/08/04 04:11)
$0Le (2001/08/09 06:37)
B@4dEr (2001/08/09 11:49)
aj (2001/08/09 11:58)
1NkwIrY (2001/08/09 11:59)
KAbOO5IC4l (2001/08/09 12:26)

+eH n3w35t 10 KeYworDs cOuR@93 (2003/11/19 03:05)
54tURn (2003/11/18 15:50)
SeRM0n (2003/11/17 09:21)
yoUNG (2003/11/17 08:58)
CIvil1$4t10n (2003/11/17 08:47)
HU5b4nd (2003/11/16 22:32)
C0n$P1Cu0U5 (2003/11/16 21:18)
fit (2003/11/16 20:23)
C@r3eR (2003/11/16 20:18)
CRedIt (2003/11/16 20:02)

+h3 New3st 10 teXTs TROu53r5 (nOV 20Th, 19:03)
WolVe5 (NOV 20+H, 12:04)
je$Us (nOV 19+h, 23:28)
jE$u$ (n0v 19+h, 23:27)
1t (N0v 19Th, 20:58)
D3s1r3 (n0v 19+H, 20:56)
PhunnY (n0V 19+H, 20:53)
s+1Ll (N0V 19tH, 20:50)
L4VenDeR (n0v 19TH, 20:45)
n19G3R-LovEr(N0v 19+h, 14:51)

THE l45t p051+IVe uS3R R@tiN95 FEMaL3-5UP3rI0RitY(Nov 20TH, 14:20:35)
g3rm4NY (n0V 20+h, 14:19:55)
g3Rm4nY (n0V 20+h, 14:19:09)
G3RM4ny (noV 20Th, 14:18:22)
g3Rm@ny (n0V 20+h, 14:17:49)
g3RM@nY (N0V 20+H, 14:17:42)
g3Rm@nY (noV 20+H, 14:17:23)
W0lve5 (n0V 20tH, 12:06:04)
tRuth (n0V 19tH, 04:19:31)
trU+H (NoV 19th, 04:19:06)

+h3 L@5+ NEG4t1v3 U53r r4+1n9$ TrU+h (N0V 19Th, 04:20:46)
tRUtH (n0V 19+H, 04:20:06)
TRUth (noV 19+h, 04:18:24)
+rUTH (N0V 19+h, 04:18:08)
tRu+h (Nov 19+H, 04:17:15)
+RutH (n0v 19TH, 04:14:27)
+Ru+h (nov 19Th, 04:13:30)
TruTH (nOV 19+H, 04:13:15)
+ru+H (nov 19+H, 04:13:10)
tRu+H (N0v 19TH, 04:12:08)

t3H L45+ +3n KEYW0RD5, PhoUnD BY $E4RcH ENg1nE u$3R5 coN$En5U$ (se@rch, 02:20:15)
L1N$3yd@wNMckeNZ13 ($3@rCH, 02:12:02)
@nd3Rp4IGe (5eARch, 02:05:00)
ha1RY (5e@rch, 02:03:45)
84MM@RGEr4 (534Rch, 01:57:27)
ATt3N+i0n ($e4rcH, 01:52:11)
PH0Rk (SE4Rch, 01:50:43)
4T+3nt1ON (53@RCh, 01:49:44)
M4S+3c+OMy ($3@RCh, 01:48:05)
50Il3D-P4NT1e5$e4rcH, 01:24:58)

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