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on Apr 22nd 2006, 04:36:19, Emma Example wrote the following about


Hey Mister. I want to ride it! Could you lift me?
Sorry, Dear. It is forbidden to ride this elephant.
Why? I'm thin, mister. It wouldn't hurt it.
See. If it was my elephant I would allow you to ride it. Right now. Unfortunately it isn't. I'm just the elephant's guide.
Oh please, mister. I would be so grateful... I've never ridden an elephant like this. Please, make an exception!
No. I'm sorry. I'm not allowed to make exceptions. My boss forbade it. If I let you ride it I would risk being fired id he found out.
Oh please, I won't tell him!
Sorry. My boss will find out anyway. He has good good eyes. Sure, he's old, but his eyes are still young.

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