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on Nov 13th 2000, 01:15:19, Failte wrote the following about


no one is inside...it feels like a peaceful but senseless nothing....a hole inside outside of home...
rightless i'm standing in the middle of life, hearing people living their life...
waiting for the moment which change the uselessness into truth
nothing can be better than waiting for the real except to get some...
it must be like heaven to know how life goes on...but it would be the most horrible thing i`ve ever learned...
i`m afraid, afraid not to know, what he`s thinking of .....
afraid , not to be in his mind...
I`ll scream, but without a noise cause he could hear the pain i have because of him...never want to open my mind
the moment in this time is like hell...burning the real life down....but ash is the basic for new life...

   user rating: +2
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