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on Sep 30th 2003, 08:27:37, Greg wrote the following about


When looked at from many different viewpoints one can quickly come to the realization that Females are indeed the superior gender. From the very outset of life to the very end of life there are many factors and evidence that shows just how superior Women are to men. Below you will find some of this proof as well as why I am a true believer in Female Supremacy.

Women carry two x chromosomes, whereas men typically carry one x (sometimes two) and a y chromosome. The y chromosome is smaller and carries less genetic information that the x chromosome does. This, in and of itself might not seem consequential in determining superiority; however it does show that Women's genetic make-up is more complex than men's. Also, the very y chromosome that makes men men also predisposes them to more diseases than Women; such as hemophilia. In fact; Women can be carriers of many things that only affect men such as the aforementioned hemophilia, certain colorblindness and male pattern baldness.

From early on and until menopause Women's primary hormone estrogen protects them from many diseases that men's primary hormone testosterone does not. Men are much more prone to heart-disease and osteoporosis than Women. Although without supplemental hormones after menopause Women will begin to catch up with men in these areas. Men also die sooner and more often than Women in almost every major cause of death. Women also outlive men by an average of seven years.

Women are also more prone to take better care of themselves than men. Women tend to eat better and live a healthier lifestyle than men. Women are on average more organized, and efficient than men.

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