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on Apr 25th 2000, 21:16:13, 150 ml odol wrote the following about


Oh, nice! There´s a »Cowboys Haters Page«! We should have a few of these pages for our German Bundesliga!


Q: What has 100 legs, 100 eyes, 50 mouths, and 3 big buttholes?
A: The Dallas Cowboys (The buttholes are named Deion Sanders, Micheal Irvin, and Erik Williams)

If you despise the Dallas Cowboys, you're reading the right Web page. I loathe this so-called team. From that giant spittoon that they call a stadium to the cheap
shots by overfed and overpaid goons that always seem to go unnoticed by the refs. I laughed out loud while watching Deion being clobbered at Ericsson Stadium
and the drama that followed during the 1996 divisional playoffs. I cheered when the 'Pokes were eliminated from the playoff race halfway through the 1997 season.
I dance the dance of joy over the fact that the »World Champs« of 1995 were completely thrashed by the Packers at Lambeau Field last year! May that be the first
of many such performances by the Cryboys.

Q: Why does Texas Stadium have Astroturf?
A: To keep the fans from grazing during the game.

Q: What is Micheal Irvin's favorite color?
A: Powder white

Q: How do you make Deion Sanders slower than a snail?
A: Call a pass route through a metal detector and wait for him to remove his jewelry.
From the folks at Semex, INC. – Madison, WI

Jerry Jones was really upset with Irvin for the hotel room incident. After all, Irvin did get caught with coke instead of Pepsi.
From Andrew H Schultz

Jones was overheard yelling at Irvin: I said Pepsi and Nike, not coke and nookie!
This one from too many people to credit!

Q: How do you get a Cowboy to stand up?
A: Say »Will the defendant please rise.«
From an anonymous emailer

Q: Four Cowboys are traveling down the road. Who is driving?
A: The police officer!
From Wayne, Sun Prairie, WI

Q: Why did Micheal Irvin ask to be traded to Green Bay? (ugh! perish the thought – swash)
A: He heard there was plenty of »snow« and all of it was free.
From another anonymous emailer

What do Cowboy fans and hemorrhoids have in common?
They're both a pain in the butt and never seem to go away completely.
From another anonymous emailer


etc. etc. etc.

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