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on May 30th 2000, 10:25:37, Pip wrote the following about


Why are people so obsessed with morals? I just don't get it, they just create problems – why create barriers, and lines that you can't cross when one day you, or someone who is important to you, even essential, is going to do something they 'shouldn't', accidentally or deliberately.

If you're moral, you can't deal with the particular situation at hand, you have to follow what the moral code says, but if you're not moral, and simply alive and sensitive to the world, if you try and make positive things happen as often as possible, then you can usually cope with things that moral people can't, a hell of a lot better – because you have only the problem at hand, not the problems that all the moral bullshit that goes with the problem to deal with as well.

I'm not advocating »evil«, I don't think that should be an issue either – people who hurt others, can be very moral in all the ways that people see, but nasty pricks mostly, people who are negative are negative, people who are positive are positive, some of the most amoral people are excellent.

This has nothing to do with fruit.

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