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on Sep 25th 2002, 23:36:42, elfboi wrote the following about


In their 1972 novel _Illuminatus!_, Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson wrote the following paragraph, in a passage where the giant computer FUCKUP interprets the 23rd Hexagram of the I Ching, »Breaking Apart«:

>> The first correlation is with the unbalance between technological acceleration and political retrogression, which has proceeded earthwide at everwidening danger level since 1914 and especially since 1964. The breaking apart is fundamentally the schizoid and schismatic mental fugue of lawyer-politicians attempting to administrate a worldwide technology whose mechanisms they lack the education to comprehend and whose gestalttrend they frustrate by breaking apart into obsolete Rennaisance nation-states<<

Pretty prescient of them, wouldn't you say?

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