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on Nov 16th 2021, 01:33:29, Ilon wrote the following about


After feeding Noli, the two of them ate their toasts, chatted a bit and drank some water. The director maybe a little too much, all those changes made his mouth dry. He headed to the bathroom, leaving Vladi alone.
He used that time to check some things on his phone.

A couple of minutes later, the director went back to the kitchen, only to find a much changed russian.

»HOLY Fungus!« the director exclaimed.

In front of him was a very small, bad-endowed and stupidly fat russian.


A few minutes back his boredom grew, so he looked up some morphed funny clowns. First he saw a clown with a mighty belly.
»Man, what I'd give to have this...« and so he got it.
A few searches later his gaze stopped at a photo of a clown who appeared to be somewhere around 2 feet tall.
"I bet the cirector would like such a small clown, I'd do too.
Lastly, Vladi was greeted by a picture of a clown with massive fat. It looked realistically wobbly. He was holding now a 8-pack of bottles, fat thighs and fat balls the size of grapes. And those were just here most appealing features. Unlike before, he didn't want them for himself, but rather to make his life a whole lot funnier.
»The director loves it, but these fat is funny

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