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on Apr 13th 2006, 14:20:19, Mc Bird wrote the following about


An essay about hobbies: Your life would be much more fulfilled if you had a hobby!” My friend told me resolutely as we were talking about the everydayness of our life. “No, thanks,” I answered, “there is no kind of hobby I would go for.” She advised me to take things more seriously and started proposing a catalogue of various options. I stopped her when she came to “building matchstick-models”. She left me looking offended.
I tried to get rid of the hobby idea. In vain! The subject seemed to occur everywhere. People talked and papers wrote about. Ads invited me to join spare time activity centres. But I couldn’t make up my mind. Then, all of a sudden I caught an eye opener that read: “Do you want to improve in written English? Start writing essays! Enrol now!” Eureka, I thought, this will be my hobby. I enlisted without hesitating and here I am

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