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on Apr 5th 2004, 11:02:45, boyboy wrote the following about


Male-nipples are a clear indication of the priorities of nature. The nipples form in the early stages of development in the womb. They are there because it is assumed that as mammals we will need to nurse our young.

However, males end up unable to perform this function. If maleness were a primary biological quality, then the nipples would not be present in the very first stages of development and males would not have them. The foetus would be truly sexually neutral.

If the sexes were truly 'equal' then each sex would be formed with only their own sex specific characteristics. But the sexes are not equal. One sex is the primary, superior form and the other is secondary and inferior.

In fact, we are all really 'female' and males are adapted from the original female form. The nipples on the male body are remnants of the unfulfilled female form.

Every man must deal with being an incomplete woman. Men are therefore in a constant state of frustration because they carry a constant reminder of their imperfect biological state.

Women have no such integral imperfections. The female body is a more complete and therefore superior entity.

Male nipples are proof.

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