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on Jun 9th 2006, 17:34:43, octavia wrote the following about


i wish i had a melon tree. i remember that song by peter paul and mary called melon tree (very pretty but the fruit of the poor lemon is impossible to eat). in that song is a more or less cheap metaphor representing the phenomenon of 'love'. i think it fits in respect of difficutlties in comsumption. fortunately a melon is more attached to the material world. you can go into shop and get a knife (or such thingies you can cut neat little balls from melons but nonetheless you would have to slice the fruit first). however, 'love' is a little bit more difficult to handle. i don't thing you could achieve anything with a knife. personally, i wouldn't even try...
a melon can be easily put into the fridge. sure, it must be big enough. however, you could go buy a bigger fridge.
if you live in a country where melons don't grow very well you can buy imported ones.
damn i think i'm bored. and lonely. i wish love had some sort of physical shape like the melon. i would grow different kinds of love on the respective trees in my garden. i could be looking forwarde to fall. time to reap.

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