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on Jun 20th 2002, 17:57:20, Seamus MacNemi wrote the following about


I can hardly think of 'Pixies' whithout thinking of being 'Pixilated', boggle minded, confused and totally led astray. Of course, for some, this seems to be a prefered state of mind. Why else would anyone consult a 'Psychic' or a fortune teller?
I suppose that if one thinks of those flittering little moth like feminine forms such as Tinkerbell, it conjures up lots of warm and fuzzy cutesie thoughts the sort of things that inhabit the minds of those who write childrens stories. But in truth the old folk have an entierly different take on the matter. In their thinking, those 'Wee Folk' were dangerous and something to be avoided at all cost. One thinks of them in terms of a plague bacillus.

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