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on Mar 11th 2002, 02:14:32, Jean-Claude Choul wrote the following about


Rebellion, equated with insurgency or insurrection or revolt, requires two parameters: an established authority, usually a government and a desire (triggered by defiance, discontent and grievances) to confront this authority. These connected concepts do not require the use of arms, taken literally. In a political party, an insurgent is said to rebel against the policies and decisions of that party. This form of revolt is amusing from an etymological point of view, since »insurgere« in Latin means »to rise up«, while the dissident (dissenting) member etymologically »sits apart« (L. dissidere). Collective revolt and rebellion definitely seem to imply the use of force, as revolutionarmed and active effort to overthrow a government«), with varying results as shown by usage: a revolt (uprising) is open; a rebellion usually fails and a revolution is successful.

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