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on Sep 8th 2000, 01:16:08, jassee wrote the following about


How many of us think recycling is a good thing? Nowadays it's almost a social responsibility. But if trash is full of valuable resources (it is), then garbage companies would be crazy not to pick them out for resale themselves (they already do). And who picks up the recycling we've gone and sorted out? The garbage companies! So why do we do their work for them for free, and look askance on people who don't function as unwitting corporate tools?

Jobs would be created if garbage companies had to hire workers to sort out recyclables, and homeless people often survive by collecting cans and bottles. Why are we doing volunteer work for wealthy corporations, fostering unemployment and taking food out of the mouths of those who most need it, and how did we get brainwashed into doing it?

Who is telling us where our responsibility really lies, and what's in it for them?

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