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on Aug 14th 2002, 19:55:48, elfboi wrote the following about


The Reefer Song

One sunny day i was riding my bike
and smoking a joint 'cos that's what i like
a policeman stopped me and beagn to stare
and he said »hey sonny what you smoking there

i said, it's a reefer do you want some policeman
it's a reefer do you want a blast
it's a reefer do you want some policeman
or would you prefer me to shove it up your ass?

Well he put me in his car and he left my bike
and he took my reefer which he quite liked
we got to the station and his eyes were all red
and the sergeant said Constable! You're out of your head!

He said yeah, it's a reefer do you want some Sergeant
it's a reefer do you want a blast
it's a reefer do you want some Sergeant
or would you prefer me to shove it up your ass?

Well he suspended the constable for his little joke
and he went to the bathroom to have a little toke
when he got back i rolled another eight
and they were being passed around every copper in the place

Well i sold them two ounces and one sixteenth
and they rolled the biggest joint the world had ever seen

And they all sang together:
it's a reefer do you want some mindless
it's a reefer do you want a blast
it's a reefer do you want some mindless
thanks for your company and thanks for the grass

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