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on May 15th 2000, 23:03:04, le merle blanc wrote the following about


Regret, like alcohol, is best savoured when alone but deepest drunk in the company of others. Alone, regret fills the palette, is enjoyed (or not), and one's appetite for it in a gradual wise expunged; in company, though, one drinks less discriminately, and while a greater portion may be imbibed the taste is not so harsh.

I marshall my regrets like fine wines; these are best-suited for consumption with friends, and these alone. These here I do not care to remember much of, for they are middling regrets, regrets of fancy, regrets best passed around and made cheap by overuse. These here I must wring the taste from, for they are the bitterest, the most cloying, the ones I must never forget the price of.

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