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on Sep 12th 2000, 15:00:41, maike wrote the following about


I thought about
leaving- but I couldn't even get out of bed
I'm hanging 'cause I couldn't get a ride out of town
now anyone who really wanted me to be down
come 'round

thought about
singin' but I couldn't remember all of the words
breakin' but I couldn't get the pieces apart
laughin' never knowing what the joke was about
now I'm down

so I wonder how I never got the burn
and if I'm ever gonna learn
how lonely people make life
one strain at a time

forgot about
everything and everyone I needed before
tryin' to get a handle on a reason to shine
pickin' up the pieces that are falling behind
takes time

so I wonder how I never got the burn
and if I'm ever gonna learn
how lonely people make a life
one strain at a time and still shine

   user rating: +1
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