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on Apr 18th 2001, 08:41:35, SpeakerForTheMind wrote the following about


Time left me one day, and when it did it told me not to be frightened that it would be back if I asked. You see it wasn't feeling appreciated by me, it said it was tired of being there when all people wanted was more, more, more. At first I felt empowered to change my surroundings, without time I could fix all my problems. Then crying to myself, no time later at all, I realized I couldn't measure myself against infinity. I begged time to return, that I was happy with it when it was here. I said I would never complain about not there being enough and like warm rain, time came back to engulf me, and rescue me from oblivion. I told time that I was glad he was back, and that as much as he was here is all of him I'd need.

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