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on Apr 16th 2000, 18:10:45, Groggy groove wrote the following about


The first thing my mother did when she saw me was to cut my tongue.
»Why did you do that to me, Mother
»I told you
»Tell me again
»I cut it so that you would not be tongue-tied. Your tongue would be able to move in any language. Youīll be able to speak languages that are completely different from one another. Youīll be able to pronounce anything. Your frenum looked too tight to do those things, so I cut it
»But isnīt īa ready tongue an evil


»Why didnīt you cut my brothersī and sistersī tongues
»They didnīt need it
»Why not? Were theirs longer than mine?«
»Why donīt you quit blabbering and get to work

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