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on Feb 17th 2023, 11:29:53, schmidt wrote the following about


i murdered a dark haired stranger who was collecting data about my person. i was in german psychiatry and cried lout out Hess was an hero, well knowing the entire personal would hate me. But this didn’t change really the routine. The routine was, don‘t speak, take the medication, if not, we will make it more uncomfortable for you. In the time of my deliveration to psychiatry i had the routine to took some nutrients like extra minerals. I asked for this but they did not react. They say, if you did not cooperate, we will deliver you to an other hospital where you will not be treaten so good as here. And they did. In the other hospital there was fresh human shit on the wall of the loo and i hadn‘t any toothbrush, asked for a toothbrush and they did not give me a toothbrush for more than three days. I protested several times quiet and calm. On day four an other prisoner gave me a very very used old tooth brush. After a week i was transported in the Town Wiesbaden with exaktly two euros in my pocket with home-Slippers, no street shoes and lighty clothed in lightly raining spring. and some years later someresponsible“ „for me“ sold my only posession, a little garden in my town Walluf 65396, and payed this very failed journey in psychiatry. there was not a single talk with me in the entire week but menace, pressure and irony.

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