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on Aug 3rd 2005, 00:11:53, Hans wrote the following about


tyty is remarkably different to asdf which seems to be a common association. tyty can easily be typed using two fingers (tytytytytytyty) while you need 4 fingers for the asdfasdf variant. Blind text? Nonsense? Test out your keyboard?
asdf is international, tyty is not!
Oh lucky you who live in a country where DOS has been invented...
Some day my brother called me. He'd acquired a computer and managed to get started with it pretty well. Then he fiddled with the BIOS and had to answer Y to proceed. There was no reaction. The PC asked the same question over and over again and constantly ignored the answer the PC continued suggesting. Dumb machine. There was no way out! A hoax? What could be wrong?
I listened to my brothers story. I dried his tears. I said: »Z«.
»Type Zed, it's the key next to the T on your keyboard.«
Miraculously it worked and the PC came to life again.
»How did you know thatmy brother asked.
»You're using a QWERTZ keyboard where your BIOS expects a QWERTY keyboard.«
I was the expert. And that's why I like tyty and differencies in culture.

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