Amount of texts to »girl« 69, and there are 61 texts (88.41%) with a rating above the adjusted level (-3)
Average lenght of texts 77 Characters
Average Rating 0.290 points, 39 Not rated texts
First text on Mar 28th 2001, 05:37:27 wrote
George about girl
Latest text on Oct 4th 2010, 01:07:14 wrote
mint about girl
Some texts that have not been rated at all
(overall: 39)

on Dec 13th 2001, 23:54:36 wrote
first a.d. about girl

on Mar 24th 2007, 11:25:11 wrote
praveen about girl

on Jan 22nd 2004, 04:48:00 wrote
hardy about girl

Random associativity, rated above-average positively

Texts to »Girl«

Fyly wrote on May 17th 2009, 01:22:41 about


Rating: 20 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

Rachel Alexandra wins the 134th Preakness! She is the first filly to win that race since 1924.

That girl can run with the boys!

@@Emily Aphra@@ wrote on May 6th 2009, 22:45:36 about


Rating: 20 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

»Little girl, little girl, where have you been
»Gathering roses to give to the Queen
»Little girl, little girl, what gave she you
»She gave me a diamond as big as my shoe

whatevernext96 wrote on Nov 18th 2001, 16:55:24 about


Rating: 2 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

I have to laugh. Every time I tell myself off – even after all these ripening years – I catch myself saying, 'Oh, you stupid/silly/deluded/clumsy girl......!!" Never, never 'woman'.

venus wrote on Mar 15th 2003, 02:39:49 about


Rating: 4 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

Girls will someday become women. Women will someday rule the world.

Some random keywords

Created on Sep 2nd 2000, 14:52:12 by susan, contains 10 texts

Created on Mar 27th 2001, 13:22:17 by skyelr, contains 12 texts

Created on Apr 22nd 2000, 18:37:50 by Josef, contains 25 texts

Created on Jan 16th 2002, 21:45:02 by KD, contains 5 texts

Created on Apr 19th 2000, 05:28:44 by Lori, contains 20 texts

Some random keywords in the german Blaster

Created on Jun 16th 2002, 20:55:10 by, contains 10 texts

Created on Dec 21st 2002, 06:34:00 by nudelchen, contains 6 texts

Created on Mar 6th 2005, 21:37:43 by metamorfose, contains 6 texts

Created on May 11th 2000, 17:03:53 by Tanna, contains 74 texts

Created on Apr 28th 2004, 15:18:58 by mcnep, contains 12 texts

Created on Mar 9th 2013, 11:53:09 by Zauberlehrling, contains 3 texts

Created on Nov 4th 2000, 16:36:35 by Deutscher, contains 37 texts

The Assoziations-Blaster is a project by Assoziations-Blaster-Team | Deutsche Statistik | 0.0370 Sec. Ugly smelling email spammers: eat this!