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on Sep 27th 2007, 11:27:16, For_femals_only wrote the following about


The following I learned from a good friend who escaped from the Buddhists wanting to kill herself to avoid being caught and subjected to extreme punishment for weeks being in female form slowly massacred and burned to death. She was going to cut all her female parts, breast, clitoris and last her ovaries out of her body to die in a male shape in order to be qualified entering the paradise and stopping the vicious cycle of reincarnation. I could not talk her out of it and suggested getting plenty Ecstasy not to experience pain. But she claims to have fully to suffer all the pain of her action to produce enough good karma bringing enlightenment and then being able to enter in a male figure the paradise and no longer being reincarnated for continuous suffering. She be sacrificing her nude and bleeding body by throwing herself as food into the murky waters to the hungry crocodiles and alligators at the everglades all in order to change her bad karma into good karma and finally to enter paradise. She said asking the crocodiles and alligators to do a good job and leave no evidence of her existence back in this sinfully world of all its forbidden illusionary desires and attachments. She assured me that it were a pleasure to die like that and her death will come fast when the hungry crocodiles and alligators rip her nude body into pieces.

She told me that they discussed among themselves that the best place to die would be the everglades sacrificing their bodies as food to the hungry crocodiles and alligators after converting themselves in to a male shape by getting rid of all female parts in order to be able to enter the paradise.

She was a nice and considerate young Irish catholic and she went to a Buddhist retreat with the intend to learn how to master her sex drive trying to become a celibate nun. Because she no longer could coupe with her oral sexual desire after all her friends had left town to enter various colleges and she apparently still was a virgin making that vital decision entering the retreat at a Buddhist temple.

She was going to wear a cross with Jesus around her neck while offering her nude and bleeding body to the crocodiles and alligators in the hopes if she would not be able to enter the Buddhist paradise, that Jesus may have mercy with her soul and let her enter heaven despite of her suicide to escape the Buddhists horrible punishment rituals being worse then eaten alive by crocodiles and alligators.

Apparently we Irish having a history being blessed by a God given stronger sex drive we sometimes having problems to coupe with our desire to love and being loved.

Days secretly searching the everglade with friends we found no trace of her or of the cross and we only recovered the coat she wore before the hungry crocodiles and alligators consumed her body and bones.

However we run into a young lady who witnessed a young woman, throwing her coat away entering in the nude the knee-deep murky waters. She was wearing a cross on a chain around her neck, and having tattoos on her breast. Apparently that must have been her. She witnessed with horror how she cut of both of her breast throwing it into the waters in front of her. Several crocodiles and alligators immediately circled around her and were fighting for the meat of her bloody breasts. She then clasped with her left hand the cross while apparently cutting a large peace of flesh out of her body between her legs unable to keep standing up and immediately falling backwards in to the crocodile and alligator infested waters holding the cross with her left hand and her head above the water while reaching with her right arm into the large open jaws of a crocodile while shouting “sweet Jesus forgive me if I offended you I have to punish myself for my sinful appetite of sex and also having to escape the horror of Buddhism”. Her bleeding body was several times airborne while the crocodiles and alligators were fighting furiously for a peace of her bleeding body. She still clutched the cross in her left hand when she put her head into the open jaws of a large crocodile, a crushing sound was heard as the crocodile closed the jaws crushing her head. That horrified witness said despite the horrible pain she must have experienced, she never screamed in pain during all that time the crocodiles and alligators were ripping her body apart. Her blood covered the entire surrounding while they consumed the reminder of her lifeless body.

The following I learned about the secrets of those temples practicing Tibetan Buddhism being hidden from the public view since years:

Ecstasy and secret underground meditation practices at Tibetan Buddhist vacilities in the US!

Buddhist religion teaches males to hate all females and using them only for religious sex practices for personal enlightenment. The original Buddha teached monks beyond sex practices to stay away from females because they being inferior birth and dirty also their body would be full of urine and feces. When teaching nuns he said about males the same about being dirty full of urine and feces. Nuns should offer their bodies to them only for sex practices. The monks may practice sex inflicting great physical and mental pain by the nuns. The nuns have to suffer pain with great joy because enjoying great pain shall help them entering the path of their personal enlightenment.

The bodhisattva, one who is studying Dharma, Buddhist law and doctrine and nuns are being completely isolated from the outside world and kept locked up, never allowed to see the daylight as a punishment of their sins of desire and attachment past or present. They are only allowed to be together with their own kind meditating day and night, chanting their vows and prayers while their food is restricted to the absolute minimum to survive for meditation. It might be increased if they become pregnant from the sex practices. Thus is the only time they are allowed to see their gurus for meditation instructions and the monks serving them with their bodies for sex and physical abuse. The Bodhisattvas and nuns have to be respectfully to their abuser whatever pain they are objected too during perverted sadistic sex practices. They have to accept any males respectfully with unconditional obedience as their master and their gurus as their God.

Liquid Ecstasy being hallucinogenic with stimulating effect of great bliss is the preferred drug used for religious meditation also about Dharma, Buddhist law and doctrine. Apparently Liquid Ecstasy is secretly served in bottles usually mislabeled as seltzer water to quench the thirst of the females and keep them in trance during meditation which often stretching over many hours. The females have to accept their guru as their master and God, being the reincarnated avatar of Buddha. They must obey all commands unquestionable and accept any mental or physical abuse with pleasure. Painful abuse is commonly applied to free the females of their bad karma, sins of desire and attachment accumulated at their young life. The preferred females have to be healthy and young, at least 18 (here in the US) to about 25. They are used to produce healthy babies for profit of the temple being put up for adoption. Females having reached complete emptiness of their mind through meditation, giving up their own ego and their entire personality. They being under the influence of Liquid Ecstasy unquestionable devoted to their God, the guru. The female students are required to offer their bodies for sex practices to God, their guru. Sex being a religious sacrament. Ecstasy known to be a love drug promoting the females intimate touching their Gods lingam, penis, by hand or mouth or offering her yoni, vagina, for carnal love whatever their God demands. The drug besides being illusionary creates trance condition and hyperactivity thus promotes fast movement and dancing creating an extreme mental and physical bliss of well being. That effect is accompanied by loss of any physical sensation such as pain, hunger and thirst. The blood pressure and body temperature rises. For the benefit of their guru the females becoming a hot sex object for their guru’s satisfaction. Under the influence of Ecstasy the females enjoying sex desiring more and getting usually completely out of control. Their enjoyment and especially desire of sex is a sin, bad Karma. After the drug wears of they experience a complete mood reversal suffering from anxiety and often contemplating suicide. They being told by their guru their mood change are punishment for the sins having an orgasm, enjoying sex, and they now being ready to sacrifice themselves to turn bad Karma into good Karma. The females did not know having been under trance through secretly administered Liquid Ecstasy. That caused breaking their vow not abandoning all desires. And if the guru has still interest to keep certain females alive he may gives them “purifying water”, containing again secretly Ecstasy. The amount of Ecstasy has to be increased overtime to achieve the intended result finally causing extended brain damage. Females becoming a willingness sex object whiteout emotion is welcome for sex practices by their guru. During sex practices the gurus intend to suck females fluid out of their vagina with his lingam or mouth in order absorb the power from females bodies turning them finally into an empty shell being mentally and physically destroyed, a vegetable, unable to do the simplest type of work at the temple. Per their gurus this is also serves as punishment for all wrongs of the females in the world being blamed of powers related to their sex and beauty. After the females have lost their powers to the guru, they are done no longer required and thrown away. Or they are used to “volunteer” actually being pushed to sacrifice themselves. Having already sacrificed their wealth and material objects. Now physically butchering their bodies cutting their breast and vagina out of their bodies despite experience then the greatest pain doing so. All under the influence of their God, the guru. Per their guru for the good of others sacrificing limbs, one hand, foot, eye, flesh, blood, marrow, limbs great and small, then finally with the remaining energy and the one hand left they cutting themselves their own head of. All their pain and suffering sustained herewith serving as punishment for their sins and the sins of all women in the entire world. Then dying in a males shape, including complete emptiness of their mind, i.e. totally enlightened, they hope to enter the Pure Land, the paradise, which is only possible for males to enter. Body parts being kept for meditation primarily the female breasts, vagina, upper leg bones serving as trumpet and head scull lined with skin of one of their breasts serving as drinking cup. The body parts which could not be sold for profit of the temple they might be consumed by their gurus who are also drinking the females blood in order to get more female powers and serving the remaining flesh and blood while still warm as sacred food and drink to a selected group of the congregation. Any remainder not usable shall be burned to ashes also to get rid of evidence of their existence.

This extend is only possible because of religious freedom especially in the US where religious murder is totally ignored, because sanctuaries are off-limits without a judges order. And no judge will authorize a search order without acceptable evidence. Acceptable evidence has to come from a person or persons who have been witnessed the cruelty young females have been subjected in Buddhism secret rituals. However nobody who was able to escape will ever become a witness being immediately killed before the case could enters the courts. No judge will risk his or his familys life by authorizing a search warrant afterwards. And usually with a death of a witness the evidence is gone. Useless females might also being thrown out of the temple, wandering the streets years with hunger and thirst living in dirt pits and finally freezing themselves to death, at Tibet for that glassier gaps are commonly preferred. Many reports of young females disappearing without a trace usually end up in such cults and their final horrified end will never be known.

Buddhist gurus are masters in extensive brain control, also to make females to masochist (enjoy being subjected to mental and physical pain), being abused and dominated and even sacrifice themselves joyfully suffering any physical and mental pain, all to receive punishment for the sins of the females in the world. At the same time the gurus enjoy being sadistic by inflicting mental an physical pain to their females they hate because of their power in the world blaming them for everything which is wrong in the world caused by them because of their sex and beauty. That is also another reason why they prefer besides young and healthy girls also sexy once who are the best victims to be elevated to a Goddess, admired, praised and then punished. That shall go as far that Ecstasy might be used when the selected females physically sacrifice themselves while chanting their vows by cutting of their own limbs, breasts, vagina, pocking out their own eyes and finally cutting of their own head, mutilating themselves till their death arrives willingly and joyfully punishing themselves for all the sins of the females in the world giving their live, offering their warm flesh and blood for food and drink to the world being told a dire famine existing and believing it because they have been completely isolated to the outside world. Also being told their act shall lead to a betterment of the world creating the Pure Land, the paradise, in the near future.

Consuming female blood, including menstruation is giving the gurus female powers. Females of the inner circle are early prepared to practice cannibalism using the warm blood and flesh of the sacrificing victims as their food and drink to survive the long nights of meditation and or childbirth as they become frequently pregnant.

Certain Buddhist temples paying thousands of dollars to recruiters supplying eligible young girls (18 to 24) being able to produce several healthy offspring’s, before they hit the 30. Thus bringing to the temples a fortune through adoption. The system involved suggested organized crime. Often recruiters working together with overweight women, thus having the roll being the motherly type advising the young girls to join a retreat at the certain Buddhist temples. Often those acting as the motherly type having psychological problems because of their extreme body weight hating young skinny girls because they felt never had been pretty themselves. Usually those make believe mothers hanging out in Malls where the girls work at different stands, often at jewelry stands their actual income comes from recruiting. And when their operation being spotted, often by parents who lost their daughters to the Buddhist, they close down and open at another mall continuing recruiting their young female employees for those questionable retreats. Many young girls in the US whose bodies are never been found, vanishing daily at Buddhist cults being weekly repeatedly raped by a number of gurus and designated monks, oft at the same hour one rapist follows by the next one, and their sex organs being beaten if not cooperative rather then being killed by serial killers. And if they cry too much in tears because the pain while being non-stop raped by many males is unbearable they might have their eyes gouged out.

As long as the young girls have not entered the inner circle at those temples and don’t know about the temples secret sacrification rituals, they might be bought back, mostly for a much higher amount then the temple paid for the recruiter. The problem however is nobody would know at which Buddhist facility they were secretly brought too, including entering such a retreat they had an immediate name change and their entire belongings and property turned over to the temple. The name change serves as cover up about they ever existed or entered the temple, because then all records about them and their application had being destroyed. Nobody will know them with their original name, date and location of birth, or the names of their parents and siblings. The girls being forcefully isolated from all outside relations, imprisoned, makes that system foolproof, not being able ever to be penetrated from the outside world.

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