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on Dec 31st 2007, 02:44:39, Shannon wrote the following about



USA, New Jersey, Friday, May 11, 2007
[explanations including interpretation of the metaphortwilight language’]
Shannon’s (name changed to protect the informers) Bodhisattva's Vow [of a lay student of Buddhism becoming a Bodhisattva, having no desire about anything, love, sex, property and no attachment to anyone or anything including own body and dear life] :When I, (a female student of Dharma [practicing secret rituals of Buddhism law and doctrine]) look at the real form of the universe, all is the never-failing manifestation of the mysterious truth of the Tathagata [absolute perfection]. In any event, in any moment, and in any place, none can be other than the marvelous revelation of its glorious light [result of hallucinatory effect under use of liquid ecstasy disguised in seltzer water]. This realization made our patriarchs and virtuous Zen masters extend tender care, with the heart of worshipping, even to such beings as beasts and birds. This realization teaches us that our daily food and drink, clothes and protections of life, are the warm flesh and blood [cannibalism of awarm – living body], the merciful incarnation of Buddha [are always only sacrificed females after being elevated to a goddess or Buddha]. Who can be ungrateful or not respectful even to senseless things, not to speak of man? Even though he may be a fool, be warm and compassionate toward him. If by an chance he should turn against us, and become a sworn enemy, and abuse [sadistically] and persecute us, we should sincerely bow down with humble language in reverent belief that he is the merciful avatar [incarnetion] of Buddha who uses devices to emancipate us [making females masochistically enjoying pain] from sinful karma [motive, action & effect] that has been produced and accumulated upon ourselves by our own egoistic delusion and attachment through the countless cycles of Kalpa [rebirth – cosmic cycles]. Then on each moment's flash [male sperm entering our body] of our thought there will grow a lotus flower, and on each lotus flower [vagina] will be revealed [reborn] a Buddha. These Buddhas will glorify Sukhavati [place of great happiness], the Pure Land, every moment and everywhere. May we extend this mind over all beings so that we and the world together may attain maturity in Buddha's wisdom
PS: Vows of Bodhisattva and female student at retread in Tibetan type of a Buddhist center also includes:
1. No communication with the outside world; friends and family not allowed to know their whereabouts; females accepting being imprisoned for life!
2. not speaking about wrong doings of other [male] members;
3. achieving total emptiness, considering al phenomena including own mind as illusionary, having no substance and being none existence, eradicating all desires, thoughts, feelings, opinions and becoming a person without thoughts, emotions, self and ego;
4. being willing and enjoying suffering masochistically for the sins of all female in the world including own sins accumulated also in prior lives till the world attain the maturity of Buddhas wisdom;
5. females even volunteer for religious slaughter and suicide, sacrifying their own life to punish themselves for the fault of the world being blamed on the females sex and beauty;
6. females do not object practicing the religious sacrament of sex or torture giving their entire body, or parts being amputated as offer to their guru, their male God and teacher including their soul, mind, ego and self, to satisfy him unquestionable with total obedience to whatever is his demand are;
7. If someone is nice and considerate it must be conceived as being false!
All female students, being accepted if young (at best 18 and not over about 25 years of age) and must be healthy. They have to accept pain and torture passionately to clear their accumulated bad karma (sins) from present as well from previous lives and to suffer for the sins of the woman in the world.
The first contact with Buddhism the accepted young girls having is customarily a retreat. At which they being introduced to meditation and being served liquid ecstasy unrecognizably hidden in seltzer water in order to initiate hallucination, thus being beneficiary to adjust the young girls mind to Buddhism myth of deities, who appear being alive and talking in voices which actually are words from the guru introducing Bodhisattva vows. The meditation under the influence of ecstasy may last several hours while time is not recognized nor sensation of pain, hunger or thirst. Colors may be tasted while music being smelled. The first pain Shannon was customary inflicted with was the plugging out of eyelids, eyebrows and head hair. Several nuns had to do that job on her under the supervision of the guru. Customarily, Shannon had to sit silently without moving and a smile in her face several hours in lotus position with folded hands facing a Buddha statue till that procedure was completed. Next sitting again in lotus position with her face facing a Buddha statue and her hands on her sides also facing to the Buddha statue till the tattoos on her breasts were slowly removed line by line. The plugging out of her toe and then finger nails she must accept later, also the painful anal and vaginal penetration with leg bones of a female virgin who sacrificed her limbs as punishment not maintaining her vows. Also the torture consists of periods of starving requiring eating of the feces and drinking of the urine from monks and gurus together with sleep deprivation sitting in lotus position chanting day and night religious prayers and her vow with the group of other nuns. Thus will continue till she is pregnant then she will get better nourishment in order to produce healthy babies being put up for adoption for profit of the temple. Soon the girls being successfully trained to become full time masochists, having sexual lust in longing and enjoying pain. They being told it drive out of their bodies their bad karma. Also, they are enjoying suffering in pain for the sins of the woman in the world. To induce pain and suffering they often requesting being stabbed with sizzling hot iron roads into their private or area whipping their clitoris bloody and with scouring hot knives having their bodies butchered by having cut of pieces of flesh or having some of their limbs amputated. Thus all being done at full consciousness so they can lustfully enjoy all the pain to the full extend. A secretly snapped picture about Shannon apparently had to learn to be able to walk on one leg, noting having difficulties doing so, with folded hands in prayer. Being still a virgin she knows her right leg must be amputated because the thighbone of a virgin is valuable for meditation serving as a trumpet. Also having had oral sex does not count. At Buddhist the females remain virgins if not been penetrated by a male, while at rituals penetration with leg bones of sacrificed virgins does not count. Another picture shows Shannon hugging with her body and arms a tree, fantasizing in meditation to be the Bodhi tree Buddha found enlightenment. After Shannon produced enough offspring’s while customarily repeatedly raped by many qualified monks and gurus at successive rituals, her time will come to live up to her vows to sacrifice her limbs, bones big and small, bone marrow, body parts, breasts, vagina, ovaries and eyes to her God, the guru at his demand. And finally ending her live sacrificing her head to her God having it decapitated, if she does not have an arm left to do it herself with a curved knife usually used for that, and that all allegedly for the good of the world. Shannon should have no problems with the sacrification having been customarily prepared in advance with many dry runs she had in order to qualify for the real thing. Immediately after the decapitation the gurus will consume the blood shooting out of the neck and thus also the qualified monks authorized to witness the sacrifice. The Buddhists believe drinking the blood of a female alive or dead will give them the mystic power of that female being sacrificed. As long the body is warm it will be raped by any participating monk wherever there is still an opening or if the vagina was not completely cut up. From the remainder of the corps the bones are being utilized for meditation. The scull lined with the skin of one of the female breast serving as a drinking cup at rituals and the leg bones are prepared to serve as trumpets, while the other breast is being preserved like any female part to be used for meditation, following the example of the Dalai Lama. Whatever of her flesh was not consumed during the sacrifice ritual will be utilized as food for the congregation. The remainder is customarily being burned to get rid of evidence. Some Buddhist temples allegedly having better furnaces then Hitler’s concentration camps so that the smell of burned human flesh cannot be smelled at the outside of the complex. Buddhist nuns often commit suicide being unable to sustain any more pain from the torturous continuous raping by many males The Buddhist interpreting this that they sacrifice themselves to wipe out their bad karma (sins of sexual desires and attachment to their dear life) and thus also for the benefit to the world. They being threatened if breaking vows they will be gruesome mentally and physically tortured like sitting on a pointy wooden pole inserted into their vagina and rectum, being whipped bloody with barbed wires, being touched and burned, washed down with hot saltwater, having their skin peeled off slowly, having their joints and bones broken. Also, if caught communicating with the outside world their mouth and voice box will be toasted with scouring hot air, their tongue ripped out, or if trying to escape their legs being amputated and the eyes gouged out.
The above was received through secret channels directly out of the temples involved.

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