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on Sep 18th 2001, 18:31:10, lngupta wrote the following about


I never recieved any of the kind mentioned above.Whatever, little knowledge of the language, I have, is nodoubt, not worth to be mentioned. But I am sure that the RP-english may not be known to me becuse till now I did not understand exactly what it means. however let me try to follow it in the manner which may I do think is fit. Rate of pronounciation of the english language is concerned it totally deoends on the condition and environment of the user in which conditions he started learning the language.So far our part is concerned we learnt from our teachers who used to stress on the fact that the pronouciations correctness depends on the phonetic
sound which one should suposed to learn basically from one`s environemnt in which usually he has been reared of.

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