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on Mar 29th 2003, 20:06:15, elfboi wrote the following about


Sole the spark burns bright,
The sight! The sight!
Mark the symbol yon,
Babalon! Babalon!
Shining the lodestar of every man,
Fixing the course in the night of Pan,
Burned on thy brow for all to see,
Signed with the sigil of mystery,
Mother of harlots, proud and strong,
Figure of flame for which all men long,
Perched in your place on the back of the Beast,
Imbibing your goblet's funereal feast.
Staying your seat, with your thighs twined taut,
Round the neck, as to choke out the life you sought.
It is caught! It is caught!
No-man can sate thy most mighty lust,
Yet attempt in the end every mortal must,
To expend in thy NOX is their promised fate,
With all Kings of the Earth you shall fornicate.
This weal, you reveal, by the seal of seven,
Standing astride the black arch of heaven.
Limbs flung wide, and arms flung high,
Drown my thoughts with ecstatic cry,
Drain my blood in thy scarlet cup,
Its pounding life, thy lips to suck,
Wrap my throat with your tangled locks,
Fiat Nox! Fiat Nox!
Open thy gate, that none may pass,
Swallow the life for thy nuptial Mass,
Gorge thyself on the pulse of the saints,
Crimson the sign that the liquor paints,
On the mouth that devours all the light that's gone,
Now expired in thy womb, Babalon, Babalon.
For who seeks to spend in thy golden grail,
In a fever of rut at his flesh doth flail,
And he bends his might,
Till the eye's sole sight,
Is the quenchless lust of the infinite,
Till the brain be dumb,
And the limbs be numb,
Till the heart not beat,
Birds the flesh do eat,
And hot sun the bone,
Makes as white as stone,
Till the name they bore,
Shall be named no more,
For the life be gone,
In thy cup, Babalon!
Babalon! Babalon! Fiat Nox! Babalon!
Thou art infinite loves, and each love is The One,
Thou hast shown thyself in the coals of flame,
In the dappled white of the marbled dame,
By the sound of the roar of the torrent's pace,
By the silence still of the desert's space,
On the lips of him, with your vision set,
Your kisses abide, he shall never forget,
By the breath of your kisses the blood you ferment,
To the wine of the Sabbath, the Sacrament,
This draught you prepare for your father's age,
While the worlds dissolve and the Aeons rage,
From time before time, to time known to none,
Thy adulteries shine, Babalon! Babalon!
By the liquor you brew, by the oath you swore,
On your holy kteis as the scarlet whore,
By the droppings of dew as you dance in the night,
By your golden cup and its ruby light,
Be with us now, vast and mighty one,
In the power of thy name, Babalon!
Babalon! Babalon! Babalon!

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