Amount of texts to »adultery« 11, and there are 10 texts (90.91%) with a rating above the adjusted level (-3)
Average lenght of texts 146 Characters
Average Rating 0.545 points, 1 Not rated texts
First text on Mar 25th 2002, 12:48:37 wrote
baryonic matter about adultery
Latest text on Nov 27th 2005, 11:47:48 wrote
uglyduckling about adultery
Some texts that have not been rated at all
(overall: 1)

on Nov 27th 2005, 11:47:48 wrote
uglyduckling about adultery

Random associativity, rated above-average positively

Texts to »Adultery«

Seamus MacNemi wrote on Jun 20th 2002, 19:11:09 about


Rating: 7 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

Adultery is called in the ancient Hebrew texts 'AVIRAH' a word comming from the root L"AVOR' meaning to trespass against or to betray.
Adultery was condemned specifically because it violated the social integrity of the tribal whole.

whatevernext96 wrote on Apr 23rd 2002, 20:00:30 about


Rating: 3 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

Why is it called adultery? All too often it's complete childery – and that's to insult children...

Lee wrote on Oct 24th 2004, 20:06:52 about


Rating: 1 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

My husband was an adulterer & has caused a lot of pain & anguish in the people who care deeply about him & so I hate & detest it, & not only dislike it. No one can imagine the pain & the humiliation one goes through because of it. But God hates our sins, & forgives the sinner, so I think the »adulterer« can be forgiven as well if he's truly repentant & doesn't do it again.

Some random keywords

Created on Oct 21st 2004, 06:43:49 by BaseballBob, contains 3 texts

Created on Jul 10th 2000, 12:21:39 by Klarabella, contains 8 texts

Created on Apr 21st 2000, 00:48:50 by alex, contains 10 texts

Created on Aug 22nd 2004, 17:43:56 by Bart Starr, contains 2 texts

Created on Aug 31st 2005, 05:35:11 by, contains 1 texts

Some random keywords in the german Blaster

Created on Jul 14th 1999, 10:32:27 by snake, contains 36 texts

Created on Jan 17th 2003, 12:23:17 by pars, contains 10 texts

Created on Apr 3rd 2006, 20:00:24 by Mork, contains 9 texts

Created on Feb 24th 2000, 15:23:09 by buschi, contains 51 texts

Created on Apr 17th 2002, 10:01:26 by Das Gift, contains 6 texts

Created on Feb 28th 2016, 21:37:10 by ein müder Bengel, contains 1 texts

Created on Aug 9th 2001, 00:22:10 by wissender, contains 19 texts

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