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on Jun 2nd 2000, 06:16:22, The Green Man wrote the following about


I used to have this recurring dream, where I was lying on top of the atmosphere. I was laying out there in space, dark above me, Earth's glow below me... the atmosphere was all cushy below me, and made little seething sounds, like the ocean through a tiny speaker. SSSSsssssss.... sssssSSHHHHHhhhhssssss...

I was sprawled out flat, laying on the atmosphere, like it was a huge field under my back. It was ripply, and bumpy, like a waterbed (though I can't sleep on a waterbed), and I just threw my arms wide and looked at the night sky, with that faint blue light in the corners of my eyes. ssssSSSSsss... ssssSSSHHHHssshhhh....

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