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on Jun 12th 2000, 11:37:37, don't wrote the following about


the Masters of Associativity recommend:
Avoid to create a keyword from very common but quite meaningless words like »the« or »a« – until you have something really good to write about it.

Okay, but here's the thing – where would langage be without all these gluing words? there wouldn't be much meaning, or at least not much without them.

do, is one half of i do – the wedding vow – tell me that that it has no power? no meaning? no place in this blaster?

also, what has being particularly good got to do with validity in this thing – not only is good or bad subjective – but it is also sorely lacking, in my opinion. With free reign people can make any association positive or negative – it doesn't have anything to do with quality or just popularlity, or whim.

i say, let the associations run free, or put some stronger criterion on what you expect – because a lot of what goes on in here is drivel – which is okay if you expect it – also, it makes the gems shine brighter.

there's sense,

and then there's sensibility.

just because its ubiquitous doesn't make it unimportant

quite the contrary, it think

   user rating: +11
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